Side Projects
Web applications and web sites I have developed outside of my client work
Full-Stack JavaScript App with a React F.E.

Blazing Fast eCommerce App built with Node.js & MongoDB

City Planning: Greenway Development

Club Management System used by the top Running Club in Chicago: Fast Track

M.E.A.N. Full Stack Development

Greenway Planning — an early example of a Database Driven Website

Frontend JavaScript Apps
A few JavaScript apps I developed to solve specific problems or to pass time while a build is running.
Step-by-Step JavaScript Tutorials
A few tutorials I wrote to aid in your full-stack JavaScript application.
Node.js Tutorial: Creating A Promise Helper Function for your Node.js/Mongoose app.

Interactive Websites: Image Zooming

JavaScript: How to Solve Common Coding Interview Problems

Full-Stack Code Samples
A few guides & code examples I developed to aid in your fullstack Node.js project.