Single Page Applications
Some of the single page web apps I have developed
Jewelers Mutual - Partner Gateway
As a Lead Developer on the project, I was responsible for building out the application's main UI/UX, data store, router, configuration and API classes. The application was built with Vue.js, which has proven to be a robust and developer friendly frontend platform. I lead a team of 2 other developers and ensure our code meets the best practice laid out in Vue.js's Style Guide. We were able to get phase 1 of the project complete in just 1 month despite only receiving the necessary APIs halfway through. I also built out additional views and components to support complete CRUD operations for the policy data.
Village of Woodridge
I was given a pre-built web application and asked to enhance it with data filtering capabilities. I coded an HTML5 slider and determined where the data inputs and outputs were located within the cryptic JavaScript code. There I coded custom objects to store the data and an event listener that automatically hides sites that are not within the specified acreage and square footage range. I was told by my contact that the Village staff is now loving the new Available Sites app
United Airlines
At United Airlines, I help develop the front ends for two important web applications. As a Senior Developer, I was assigned challenging enhancements that involved creating new screens or modal dialogs, mapping data from a JSON object to table and form features, and programming save buttons that call web service APIs. Additionally, I fixed numerous JavaScript, HTML and CSS bugs that arose in various environments.
"Aero Flight Check-In"

"Contact Centers customer account creation and flight shopping application"

Nokia HERE
"System Software Versions"
scrapesthe version and build information from numerous software applications, stores it in a Oracle database, and displays it for the user. Technologies include JQuery/AJAX, PHP and PostgreSQL.

"Automated Environments Information Tool"

"Product Delivery Monitoring Tool"
It takes a lot of work to load and operate a high capacity, proprietary GIS system. But at the end of the day, the POI Team has to be turning a profit! This tool monitors and reports on our main product pipeline to our customers and alerts engineers when something gets clogged up.

"Configuration Across Environments"

"Customer Communications Tool"
A popular tool with the Operations Team, this web-based application automatically formulates and composes MS Outlook emails based on the selection of 12 UI components.

"SQL Training Tool"
I developed this web-based training tool to teach, interactively, Structured Query Language to about 20 Nokia HERE employees. The tool requests confirmation from the user if statement execution would affects all rows of the table.

"Property Scraper/Property Validator"
This tool automatically detects and displays Linux folder structure and displays directories in dropdown menus. Upon selecting a software version, the tool automatically scans and processes certain configuration files. The values from specified properties are scraped and stored in an PostgreSQL database, along with the full contents of the file. Who needs grep, sed and awk? These web-based tools parse and process thousands of lines of text in a matter of seconds, via a single click of a button!

"Command Reference Tool"

Automated Tracking Sheet
This tool monitors the progress of multi-step distributed computing processes by scraping information from log files and displaying the results on a user-friendly web-based interface. The tool allows the user to launch batch jobs from any step in the process. Job status information is automatically updated based on the underlying data. All data is filterable, sortable, and scrollable.

"Running Batch Jobs"
Compared with the Automated Tracking Sheet, the Running Batch Jobs tool provides a finer grain of job monitoring capabilities. Running Batch Jobs scrapes live information about running MapReduce jobs from Hadoop JobTracker, cross-references it with metadata from the Automated Tracking Sheet, and calculates useful inferences about the currently running jobs.